Let's GrowTogether
Do you want to develop yourself, your team, or the entire company? Then experience how we GrowTogether with the Prinzip ZusammenWachsen©
holistically achieve your goals of collaborative growth
Our Services & Offer
Our approach seamlessly integrates personal development with the growth of teams and businesses. As a team of consultants, trainers, coaches, and mediators, we offer a diverse portfolio of methods to support you holistically. Together, we embark on the journey to achieve your goals. Our areas of expertise include:
Consulting in Business Strategy & Organizational Development
We support you with customized methods in the development and implementation of your strategy as well as in change management, to successfully realize sustainable changes in your organization.
Support in Merger & Acquisition
Sometimes the simplest path to growth is to join forces with another and establish a joint organization. With our extensive experience, we stand by your side to ensure that the integration proceeds smoothly and synergies are maximized.
Designing Customized Workshops, Training & Team Enabling
As experienced trainers and business coaches, we know precisely how to structure seminars, workshops, and training sessions to meet your and your organization's needs perfectly. Our approach is tailored to ensure that each development is individually aligned with your specific requirements and goals.
Project Lead & Project Management Consulting
Our network consolidates more than 35 years of project experience to efficiently manage and coordinate every endeavor with our proven agile method. We support you either actively in the execution of your projects or assist you in establishing an effective and synergistically functioning project organization.
Consulting in Conflict Management & Mediation
Conflicts within a team can significantly impede synergistic collaboration. I offer support ranging from individual mediation discussions to workshops and processes for conflict prevention, all aimed at fostering a harmonious coexistence. This way, growing together becomes even more enjoyable.
Personal Coaching & Sparring for Development
Development and growth fundamentally start with ourselves. As your personal and business coach, I accompany you on this journey with the principle of Growing Together©. The goal is to deepen #UNDERSTANDING for yourself and others, strengthen #TRUST in your own strengths, and develop a clear #VISION for your personal ethos and your goals.
Who is behind the
Prinzip ZusammenWachsen ?
Martin Wilhelm is a passionate expert in the field of business strategy with a special focus on working with people and fostering synergistic collaboration. He initiated the consulting concept "Prinzip ZusammenWachsen". This concept enables teams and companies to grow together in a sustainable and synergistic manner.
Throughout his career, he has gained extensive experience across various industries, with a strong background in strategic business development, controlling, mergers & acquisitions, and organizational development, always focusing his approach on people and their potential. He has a diverse education as a personal coach, systemic coach, trainer, strategy consultant, and mediator, earning multiple diplomas, certificates, and certifications from prestigious universities, official educational institutions, and the chamber of commerce.
His pronounced ability to identify synergies and strengths and integrate them within a team to generate sustainable growth is a key component of Martin's work. Over the years, trustworthy collaboration with other consultants, trainers, and coaches has formed a versatile network and a powerful team capable of overcoming almost any challenge in the business world.
Dare to GrowTogether
Are you looking for someone with experience in holistic organizational and strategic development? I will work with you to find the perfect solution for your individual growth goal.