Embrace Your Journey - Personal
Development & Growth!
Have you lost joy and focus in life? Do you feel unseen/unheard? Are you tormented by inner insecurities & fears? Do you feel like you don't belong? Can't place your feelings? You can't see the shore at the edge of the sea? Did everything seem easier to you before? Coaching & sparring help you to properly categorize these and other life challenges and gain new confidence in overcoming them.
Personal Growth
Every person has their own development process and individual focal points. This cannot be achieved with hollow phrases and some "rah-rah" success cheering. Development is personal and private; every human story is different, and so is every path and solution. The personal success for one's own growth lies in the individual handling of:
👁 EMPATHY & UNDERSTANDING - Learn more about yourself and your preferences and discover how different the people around you are. Remove your glasses and learn to see the world from other exciting perspectives.
💪 TRUST - Gain self-confidence and discover your strengths. Learn to combine these with the strengths of others and build trust.
🚀 VISION - Take steps on your personal path to fulfillment with these insights and newfound trust.
I am here to help you specifically work on areas that are important to you and your development. With a wide range of methods from coaching, mediation, and typology, we can find a satisfying solution for your issue individually.
Let's tackle it today.
Learn More About YOURSELF and Others
Want to get to know yourself better? Are you curious about how you perceive things and make decisions, or why you do so? Discover more about your preferences and why others might see you differently than you see yourself through successful coaching methods. The path of self-awareness is the first step toward consciously deciding and controlling our behavior. Additionally, learn how others solve things and what synergies arise between your strengths and theirs.
In coaching, we identify your preferences related to your coaching goals, such as communication, perception, decision-making, conflict resolution, motivation, etc. You'll also learn about the full range of traits (recognizing what might be important to other people). This serves as a foundation for you to see your strengths with new eyes, identify stress traps and energy drains, and develop new behaviors.
Leverage YOUR Strengths and Connect Them with Others
With newfound confidence in your own strength, armed with curiosity and a motivation for change, we break our boundaries. Limiting paradigms such as "I disappoint myself and others," "I should not feel," "One must distrust all people," "I am afraid," "You don't belong," or "You are worthless," etc., are discarded as we confidently embark on new paths. Happiness in life depends on the good thoughts we hold, which are determined by trust in ourselves and others.
Through coaching, we free ourselves from negative beliefs and reinforce positive ones. We work holistically - often, we don't immediately recognize that the cause of a current challenge lies in a completely different field. We investigate this to have a lasting and satisfying solution. I support you with coaching and boost your confidence for the independent journey to your goal.
Create YOUR Own Goals
The crowning achievement on the path to self-actualization is finding a life vision and goals that truly fulfill us. This is not as difficult as it seems. With sufficient understanding of ourselves and our environment, along with the necessary trust, we can discover all this within ourselves. No one knows us better than we do ourselves. It is important that we are ready for further development. Often, old habits and structures prevent us from taking these paths. Uncertainties, lingering limitations, and the lack of initial steps for implementation are the main reasons why we prefer to stay put rather than evolve. Once we overcome these, ultimately, nothing can hold us back.
Coaching is a personal and individual process. Calendar quotes and cheerleading chants do not help you find your true calling and fulfillment. Therefore, we explore your individual goals and motives, derive a personal mission statement, and take the first steps. Additionally, coaching at this stage helps identify and resolve any remaining blockages, ensuring nothing stands between you and the fulfillment of your vision.
To enhance understanding, synergy, and trust, I employ my own methods as well as the globally successful tools MBTI® and Master Typo 3®. I am certified in the application of both systems. Learn more about them here:
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is the most widely used typology model in the world. With the MBTI®, we learn more about ourselves and the people around us. My goal in using it is to gain more appreciation for oneself and one's strengths. Furthermore, after an MBTI® assessment, we also better understand the behavior of others.
The Master Typo 3® is a tool that measures the authenticity of personality. It helps us understand how our thinking and actions align and why we sometimes struggle to clearly show this outwardly. Additionally, we discover the drivers for our own life and recognize the motivations of other people around us.